Sunday, March 27, 2016

Black Ops III: More Gun DLC

Hey Doods!

     I'm doing this at 9:36 at night so I have to hurry up. I am going to be brief about this. Anyway's this system is starting to get stupid.

     I'm gonna start off with the melee weapon DLC. They have added a cleaver called the "Carver." They've added a dagger, which I forgot the name. And they've added a baseball bat called the "MVP." The taunts for these are as follows.
Carver: Do a little spin.
Dagger: Rub your finger on the blade and then rub your finger.
MVP: Point and you can hear a crowd cheering.

     The gun DLC are as follows. A MP-40 remake called the HG-40, and a sniper called the RSA Interdiction. The MP-40 remake is like a re-skinned and debuffed Kuda. And the RSA is a Locus remake with a little bit faster ads time.

     Anyway's that's all for the gun DLC, they've added new taunts like the whip and Hotline Bling, also the dab, but how should I know about this stuff, I don't keep track of trends. Anyway's that'll be it for this post, sorry it was so late, this update came out a while ago.

     Honestly though, as far as I know it's extremely rare to get these guns and I think that Activision should just give us these guns with the DLC instead of this crap because it is extremely rare to get these, and they should just do what they did with the peacekeeper and give it to us for free because at this point, they're just money whores. So my advice is, don't ever buy supply drops, it's extremely rare to get this stuff. Don't waste your money.

     Anyway's I'm gonna head out now, it took a while to make this post and I'm pretty tired, I'll see you guys in the next one! Bye!

                                                                                       -Zach Out
So I was looking for this picture and turns out the dagger's name is the "Malice," Just thought I'd throw that in there!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Rocket League: Game Review

Hey Doods!

     The Explanation of Rocket League.
     Rocket League came out fully, eight days ago on March 7, 2016. This is a relatively new game and so far people are loving it, it is basically soccer with cars. You can double jump with the cars, do bicycle kicks into the opposite teams goal, barrel roll, and even fly. There is a boost system where you can get to the ball quicker in kickoffs -aka after you hit a goal or restart the game I'll go further into detail at the end of this thing- and doing a flip forward or backwards actually speeds you up.

     The Kickoffs In Rocket League.
     The Kickoffs are whenever you start a round or finished watching the replay of the goal. You all spawn in a formation and have to hit the ball head on before the other team does to hit it over to their side of the field. Both teams spawn in the same formation. If you use all of your boost and do a front flip, your pretty much guaranteed first touch unless someone on the other team does it too.

     The Goods
     The goods about this game are: It's a really fun game and it's going to take a while before it can get old. You can 1v1 people or go in with teams or two or three against two or three to see if you can win, you can fight with and against bots if your new to the game for practice, and finally -I found this out on the Rocket League Twitter account and the XBOX Twitter account. They're making it so that PC and Xbox One players can play together and it says here that there is information regarding other systems. So this means that PS4 might be seeing Xbox and PC users in the future on Rocket League.

     The Bads
     I don't really know the bads about this game, so I can't really fill in this category, play is for yourself and see if you like it!

     Anyway's I'd give this game a 9/10 because I honestly love the game, but we still aren't sure about the cross platform for PS4 and it is a little fast pace. Don't get me wrong, I love fast paced games but I know that there are a lot of people out there that don't like fast paced games.

     Okay well I'm going to leave this Game Review off on it's own. I'm definitely going to make other posts on this later on, but for now this is where I'm going to leave this post. I hope that you found this informative if you've thought about purchasing Rocket League. Also something I left out for PC users. You can hook up a controller to use while playing Rocket League. Just wanted to throw that out there, I don't know how because I'm on Xbox One. But anyway's I'm gonna head out now! Bye!

                                                                                            -Zach Out

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Division: Game Review

Hey Doods!

     I'm probably going to do another one of these game reviews for The Division because I haven't played it yet. I'll probably play it around May or maybe April. I'm just doing this because I've been watching some livestreams and I like the game seeing as though I haven't played it yet.
     The Division is a game staged in New York City. It is online only, you can find people to team up with in the safehouse or in the lobby. Anyway's on with the story. A smallpox outbreak has started and it's tearing people apart, people are raiding, looting, and killing whoever they want because nobody can stop it. The you get activated as the second wave of agents, the first wave died or went MIA. You have to try and take back NYC from the factions that run around the place. The Dark Zone is a place in the Division where you can kill other players and NPCs. Anything that you find is contaminated and you need to extract it. You have to go to a square and shoot a flare. A chopper comes in and takes your loot to decontaminate it. It'll be available in your stash when you get back. Believe it or not, this game is a RPG game. So it'll take a few shots to the head to die instead of one. And for you people that are obsessed with FPS, there is a setting to turn down the graphic quality to give you a higher chance of good FPS. Also there is a weather system that actually changes the weather over time. The NYC in game is to scale with the real NYC. 1-1, seriously, they were very specific to make it to scale.
     I really like this game and I can't wait to play it, I've seen good reviews so far and I think that this'll be one of the best RPG games in a while. Anyway's, I'm gonna go now, I'll do another game review whenever I get the game but for now, this is all I have. Okay, Bye!

                                                                                              -Zach Out

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Black Ops III: Future DLC Ideas

Hey Doods!

     So the first DLC for Black Ops III has dropped on all consoles, and people are already theorizing about future DLC for the game. Well if you see any pictures that are a reskin of the "Awakening" DLC poster then don't believe them unless it's from a reliable source. I only really have ideas for zombies DLC, sorry I'm just not that creative. Some people also say that there will be more weapon DLC. There might be and I would count on it but it's not confirmed yet. Anyway's onto the zombies DLC.

     Since in Der Eisendrache ended with Richtofen capturing other Dempsey's soul in the summoning key, we can expect that two of the other maps will be Takeo and Nikolai getting their souls captured in the summoning key. I'm assuming that the fourth DLC will explain why people have been getting their souls  sucked into something called the "SUMMONING" key, their probably gonna summon something with their souls using the summoning key. Either that or one of the DLC is just a random map like we've got the past Black Ops games.

     Anyway's word has been floating around the internet that the M27 is somehow going to be integrated into Black Ops III. I thought it was already in there because of the ICR-1 but I'm not sure now. People have been saying that they've seen it in the Create-A-Class menu. People have also been getting on PC from the in game files. Seriously though, I thought that the ICR was the reskin of the M27. If you think about it, it is. Same structure, same performance, same everything. So if you really want a M27 in Black Ops III, use the ICR. It's the same thing.

     Anyway's that'll be it for this post, I'm gonna head out now, see you guys in the next one! Bye!

                                                                                      -Zach Out