Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Operators of Siege: FBI Edition

Hey Doods!

     Sorry I haven't been doing much lately, I have been trying to get my grades up instead of working on these things. Anyway's into teh tings.

     There are four operators in the FBI/SWAT. The operators names are Ash, Thermite, Castle, and Pulse. If you've been playing Siege while it was downloading, at least on the Xbox, you could play certain situations. It would give you Renown, which is the games' currency, and you would be able to unlock an operator. In the situation where you have to eliminate all hostiles on an airplane, you play as Ash.

Ash: Ash has a breaching round launcher that is capable of breaching walls/doors/trapdoors from a distance. They act like a sledgehammer hit from Sledge, which I will cover in the S.A.S. thingy.
Thermite: Thermite has a breaching charge that is capable of breaching reinforced walls or hatches. It is kind of stupid to use it on a Castle window when you have an Ash on your team. But against rienforced things, it acts like a normal breaching charge. (note you can still be shot putting it up)

Pulse: Pulse used to be super annoying until he got nerfed. He has a heartbeat sensor that can detect enemies through walls. Pre-patch he used to be able to see you from pretty much three rooms away. OP, but then he got nerfed, thank God.
Castle: Castle is an operator that counters those of the Glaz, or Blackbeard. He can deploy, kind of a "reinforced barricade" if that makes sense. It's bullet proof, but not explosion proof. Use operators such as Ash or Hibana to counter Castle. In comparison to a normal barricade, a Castle one takes 11 shots from a Glaz to break, a normal barricade takes about 3. BIG upgrade.

     Anyway's that was the operators of Siege, FBI/SWAT edition, I'm going to do S.A.S next. I gotta go though, so I'll see you peoples later, bye!!

                                                                                                                            -Zach Out
Image result for fbi/swat in siege