Monday, February 15, 2016

Black Ops III: Weapon DLC (updated)

Hey Doods!

     So I've been watching a little bit of YT and I've come across some things about the weapon DLC and I just wanted to do a little post about some of the things that I've made in the last one that I messed up on. The crossbow they added. It's called the NX-Shadowclaw. You can actually duel wield them and pick up the bolts that you shoot! Nice mechanic they added. The sword that I mentioned is called the Fury's Song. It's just a reskin of the combat knife. Anyway's I just wanted to update the last post about some of the things that I didn't know about. I saw all of this on YouTube, mainly of PrestigeIsKey's channel, again I can't link because I'm on a school computer. But anyway's I'm gonna go now, Bye!

                                                                                                                                 -Zach Out

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Black Ops III: Weapon DLC

Hey Doods!

     This was gonna be expected anyway's and it's a little overdue but anyway's, I'm doing it now so that's all that matters for now! Anyway's if you play BO3, you would know that there have been two weapon DLC so far. The first introduced three new melee weapons including the Butterfly Knife, Wrench, and Brass Knuckles. The most recent introduced two new guns, maybe a launcher, a crossbow, and two new melee weapons. The guns are the MX Grand and the Marshal 16. The MX Grand is a new version of the M1 Grand from WAW. It's a two shot from the waist up, it has 8 bullets without attachments, and it has a fast rate of fire. But it runs out of ammo quickly, so it's pretty balanced. The Marshal 16 is a one shot pistol with two shots in the magazine, but it shoots both at once. So after every shot you have to reload. This weapon is a one shot at close range. The last one is a semi-automatic crossbow, it's silent and deadly. I don't have that much info on it because I haven't seen anyone get it yet or use it but I think that you're invisible on the mini-map when using this. Don't quote me on that. The melee weapons are just re skins of the knife. There is the Iron Jim, or the crowbar. There is a sword but I forgot the name. Whenever holding a melee weapon at all in BO3 you do a little taunt with is like flipping a knife or hitting a wrench against your hand. There are also three new camo's! Prestige: which is just a reskin of the True Vet. Etching: The Giant Pap camo. And Ritual: The Shadows Of Evil Pap camo. Anyway's that'll be it for this but I'll be back for the next DLC and if there are other mini-dlc then I'll cover them but until then, I'm out! Bye!

                                                                                                         -Zach Out

Black Ops III DLC #1

Hey Doods!

     So the first major DLC for Black Ops III has dropped on Play Station 4 and next month on Xbox and PC. Well I've been hearing a lot and I've heard enough to do a little informational thing for it, I'm gonna do this for all the DLC but the next times I'll probably wait until the DLC drops on Xbox and PC before doing a post about it. Anyway's! Moving on!

     Nuk3town is now my second favorite map though...

     There are four multiplayer maps and one zombies map as usual but I'll talk about my favorite multiplayer map first: Skyjacked.

     Skyjacked was originally supposed to be an original map of a yacht flying in the sky, but then evolved to be a remake of the fan favorite, Hijacked. Hijacked was a small map, with a similar size to Nuketown and Nuketown 2025. At the time there wasn't a Nuk3town. There were technically three levels but I don't thing many people used the top level unless you were a camper. There were small little dinghies like in GTA but there were three in the back just floating. There was a underdeck area that people used to get to the other spawn easily and un-noticed. In Skyjacked, it is a police boat flying in the sky and there's a hole in the side where you can get into the bottom of the boat. They blocked off all the ladders in the map so you have to use you're boost jumping but for the underground areas you just walk up to them and jump and it mantles you automatically, I thought that was pretty cool. There were vents in the Hijacked version where if you aimed good enough with a grenade it got somebody that was trying to take B flag. This vent is still there in Skyjacked, which is on the bottom level. Other than that there aren't really that many changes. You can still wallbang somebody through the floor if they're taking B flag but that isn't really important.

     Gauntlet is a map where there are three different types of map in one. Each environment is one lane since Treyarch likes to keep their three lane method, this is a great example. In the middle is the Icy type of area and this is where B flag is, you can run under B flag and there is a wall run to jump into a window overlooking B. There is also an area where it has a showcase where all the other specialist are, in other words their outfits and weapons. But what's strange is that for Spectre and Prophet there name's are scratched out. This makes sense though because in other countries Prophet is named things like Messanger. Spectre is just a mystery. Although what's weird is that there is a tenth showcase place and it's empty, there is one thing in it though. The Jack of Clubs playing card. This could mean anything but a lot of people are speculating it to be a hint at a tenth specialist DLC. I think that they just put it in there to mess with us though.

     I really don't know that much about the other two maps but I've heard that they are really good maps all round.

     Now for Der Eisendrache, the zombies map. Der Eisendrache is staged at a castle. There is a robot from Origins in the background if you look hard enough but it doesn't play a part in the Easter Egg. All I really know is all thanks to Mr RoffleWaffles, He's a YouTuber but I can't link his channel because I'm on a school computer but just go look him up on YT, if you are a zombies player, he's the person for you. I'm not going to spoil the Easter egg but I'd give the map an 8.5 out of ten because if you don't know much about the storyline, the map doesn't make sense. I think that too many people are giving it hate though because it's taking some of the stuff from other zombies games and putting it into this one, they thing it's unoriginal but if you think about it, it's really smart because they brought back all of the features that everyone liked. And you can do the Easter egg with any number of people, so this means solo, paired up, triple, or quad. Pretty good move on their part. Although a cool little Easter egg on this map is that if you have an explosive, such as the XM-53 or a grenade, if you go to the church and look at the center at the top of it, there is a little model of Earth and the moon, or at least that's the best way to describe it. If you hit the "Moon" with an explosive, it'll be a disco! I kind of like this Easter egg because it's easy and fun. Plus, if your friends don't know about it they'll have no idea what's going on!

     Although I'd give the DLC all and all a 9.75 out of ten simply because the zombies map is way too story based. Other than that, best DLC for COD I've seen yet! Anyway's that'll be it for this post, I'm gonna cover the other new weapons they've added next time but for now, I'm heading out! Bye!

                                                                                                                       -Zach Out

Friday, February 5, 2016

Black Ops III: Game Review

Hey Doods!

     I've created this post ahead of time so that I didn't have to do much work over my vacation, anyway's lets get into it!

     So far this game has been one of the best Call Of Duty's since Black Ops and COD 4. Anyway's I've been having a lot of fun with the multiplayer and zombies gamemodes. I haven't really touched campaign or nightmare mode that much but I'm sure they'll be just as good! By the way a little tip for this game is, get the season pass. Simply because I, personally, am not that fond of Shadow's of Evil but The Giant is still pretty fun! Not trying to hate on Shadow's, it's a good map I just think that it's a little too complicated. I've changed my favorite gun in multiplayer now though. I like the ICR-1 now. Pretty much zero recoil. There's one thing for me that makes me give the rating that I give it. This is just a little thing for me and maybe a couple of other people. Lag. I'm still having fun and all it's just most of the time I can't play an online game without moving five steps and being teleported back three. Other than that, I love this game and I give it a 8/10 overall. GTA is still my top game so far until the Division comes out. I've seen the previews and I'm super excited. Anyway's I'm gonna head out now! Bye!

                                                                                              -Zach Out