Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Black Ops III: Weapon DLC... Again

Hey Doods!

     So they added in more weapons with this new weapon bribe update, and I personally think that this is the best weapon update so far, besides the MX Grand and that bunch. Those are pretty fun to use.
     So the first thing that they added in is an assault riffle, it's a remake of the Famas from Black Ops 1. It's called the Ffar. Kind of a stupid name, but it's the Famas. It has a lot of recoil from what I've heard, it has a fast rate of fire like the Famas. Personally I would use the ELO sight and a grip if I had the choice.
     They've also added in a rocket launcher! It's called the L4 Siege. It is a semi-auto rocket launcher with four shots in it. It's a lock on or free fire weapon. It fires smaller rockets than the other launchers that deal less damage, but I'm pretty sure you could take down a uav in one shot.
     And finally, there are two more melee weapons. A fire axe called "Smash and Burn," and a mace looking thing called "Skull Splitter." These are the re-skins of the combat knife so I wouldn't expect anything less from them.
     Anyway's, I'm gonna head out now, I need to go do chores and things, oh and before I forget. This might be my last post for a while, I'm not gonna have my laptop for the summer. But I might be able to bike down to the library every now and then to type something up, but I wouldn't count on it. Anyway's I'm gonna head out! Bye!

                                                                                        -Zach Out


Hey Dooooooooooods!
     I has big news, if you've gotten on BO3 recently then you would see it. My friends just told me about this, and it's EPIC. They've added in contracts, you can complete these contracts to get ten free rare supply drops, and a weapon bribe. A weapon bribe is a supply drop where you are guaranteed one free weapon. How it works is, you go to the Black Market. You select the tab labeled "Contracts." You pick the one that you want and when you complete it, you get whatever it says that the reward is. I've only heard of it being the supply drops and the weapon bribe. But I could be wrong. Honestly though, I think that this makes up for the way that Activision has been doing the supply drops, because this makes the weapons easy to get, and balances out the game. I give some props to whoever suggested this at Treyarch though, this idea is genius. And I almost forgot to mention that you get ten free liquid divinium vats at Dr.Monty's so there's something for all the players! A little fix that I've made after watching a YT thing, the daily contracts are coming soon, sorry about not being accurate, I've just watched a video. SORRY!
     Anyway's, I'm going to head out now, I'll do a weapon DLC post soon about the new weapons that were added with this bribe system, and I'll do a DLC thing later for DLC 2. Anyway's I'm gonna go! Bye!

                                                                                  -Zach Out

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Hey Doods!

     This is going to be a little bit of a shorter post because I haven't had access to YT for a while and I've only watched half of the trailer. What is Activision or Infinity Ward thinking with this game? It's turning into HALO. Seriously.
      Anyway's, what I've seen with the half of the trailer that I watched, aliens. How do you make a game better? According to Infinity Ward. Aliens. This is going to be an interesting Call of Duty to say the least. All I know is that aliens are invading Earth and they blast off in a rocket ship to go fight them, that's the half that I've watched. I bet you can find better information if you just go to YT. Seriously. Anyway's that's all I know about this Call of Duty. I hope it doesn't have any supply drops in this one. If it has supply drops in it, I vote that we not play this Call of Duty. You know what I hope though? I hope that you can change the color of the space outfit. If you get one that is, idunno. That'd still be pretty cool though, to just change the color or even pick one when you start out.

      Anyway's, I'm going to head out because that's all I know about this game so far, I'm still waiting to do a thing on the DLC for Black Ops but it hasn't come out for XBOX or PC yet. Anyhow I'm gonna head out now! Bye!

                                                                                      -Zach Out